My blog: d-coaching nuggets

Small impulses and exercises for open-minded leaders who are eager to learn

A warm welcome to my blog!

I’m Nadja Obenaus.

I gave my blog the name “d-Coaching Nuggets”, because it’s a secret treasure full of tools and exercises for you to use and revisit at your convenience. It’s full of tips, impulses and exercises on the following topics:

  • Co-creativity
  • Virtual trust teams
  • Digital leadership (Servant Leadership)
  • Self-organisation
  • Healthy growth
  • Organisational resilience
  • and loads more…

And as your own personality is at the heart of it all, I also provide impulses for your own personal growth. To make your start as easy as possible, you can also take a look at my personal story first. Feel free to contact me when you are ready.

Nadja Obenaus Genuss