• Sensory Joy Coaching

    Grow awareness and perception when you practice evolving your sensory joy and enhancing your joie de vivre

What can I expect from Sensory Joy Coaching?


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Sensory Joy Coaching

Sensory Joy Coaching means grooming positive action and experience. In other words, you practice feeling good with all your senses.

The phrase “sensory joy” is an allegory for a meaningful life where you understand that enjoying life grows from health in body and mind, paired with an awareness of the senses

For real: when we relish or delight in an experience, taste or sound, our senses operate at full stretch! Therefore, all conscious and holistic joy triggers a sequence of powerful positive processes and emotions inside us that can even prevent and cure illness.

During my own journey to recovery, I came across Jutta Kamensky’s training as a sensory joy & pleasure trainer. The idea of “learning to feel joy as a means to safeguard mental health” fascinates me to this day – and inspired me to create the online course “Training Your Sensory Joy”.

Inside this course, you’ll learn how to nourish your mind and identify your personal moments of joy that lift you up and spark your zest of life. We’ll put a focus on measures that are sustainable and demand minimal monetary and timewise investment.

So what does Training Your Sensory Joy look like?

Online course schedule “Training Your Sensory Joy.”

This online training teaches sensory joy after Jutta Kamensky and consists of 8 modules.

The contents of the individual modules range from training the senses and exchanging enjoyable experiences to implementing joy into your everyday life and developing a delight-full attitude.

The training consists of 8 modules covering 8 weeks, but can be completed at your own pace.

Access every module as a video message or a written exercise per your preference. If you’re up for it, join me for our regular online Zoom live sessions, where we can share personal experiences and learn from others within the group.

I’ve chosen the platform www.peachr.de for the course content. Peachr is a virtual space for lively, joint learning and represents a new online learning culture while providing a great mixture of personality and skills development.

It’s the perfect virtual venue for my online course Training Your Sensory Joy!

Online course schedule “Training Your Sensory Joy.”

Topics covered by the online course Training Your Sensory Joy

What can you expect?

  • 1 year of community access with regular impulses on a joy-full life
  • 1 year of access to the course content on the e-learning platform Peachr, made in Hamburg
  • Join any time, even during an ongoing course
  • 8 modules incl. training videos
  • A minimum of 4 Zoom live sessions
  • Worksheets
  • EnJOYment planner

Why should I join?

This course will encourage you to understand self-care as an essential factor for mental and physical health and well-being. You’ll practice an independent approach to improve your quality of living consciously—our goal: more joy of life and a joy-full attitude, experienced with all your senses.

The details

Price: 900 € gross

Start date: tba (start anytime according to individual agreement)
Duration: 8 weeks – 1 module/task per week

Also bookable as part of operational health management for teams. Please feel free to get in touch!

Training Your Sensory Joy – is it for you?

Training Your Sensory Joy – is it for you?

My course Training Your Sensory Joy is perfect for you if you

  • Want to stimulate your senses for a conscious and nuanced perception of joy and delight.
  • Need a new approach and want to broaden your horizons in all aspects of well-being & positive emotions to improve your quality of life.
  • Want to open your mind to joyful experiences.
  • Want to develop your self-care abilities.
  • Want to nurture self-responsibility and autonomy.
  • Want to increase your joy of living.

The course Training Your Sensory Joy is currently only available online. You’re very welcome to join any time, even in an ongoing class.

Also bookable as part of operational health management for teams. Please feel free to get in touch!

The course just hit the spot. If you ever plan to do another longer workshop, I’d be even more thrilled. My colleagues thoroughly enjoyed it, too.

About me

Hi there! I’m Nadja, your trainer for sensory joy & bliss.

My heart beats for Styria. It’s home to joy, tradition, kindness, sensory forces and diversity. It’s also the green power beating like a drum inside my heart and driving me to live life to the fullest. 

My favourite colours are green and orange – complementary colours. And my favourite haptic sensation is the touch and feel of velvet.

Case in point: For some time now, I have been bringing the world’s best pumpkin seed oil made in Styria to Hamburg, my adopted home. This excellent pumpkin seed oil has a beautiful green colour and leaves a velvety touch on the tongue.

To me, health means staying fit both physically and mentally, fostering close and caring relationships, and enJOYing life to the core of my soul. Let’s grow your sense of joy  – we’re only given one life. Fill it with pleasure and bliss!

Join the sensory joy community on the e-learning platform Peachr!