I coach your team to deliver - and excel digitally!

Agile team evolution for collaborative team leaders

“We can’t solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking we used to create them.” Albert Einstein

Is your team distracted and strikes out?

Does your team feel like an imperfect jigsaw puzzle?

We live in a highly complex world. The intricate problems we face today can’t be solved on a fixed scale, relying solely on standards or guidelines. Instead, we need to multiply an agile mindset with systemic thinking and acting.

Complex thinking, mentally being in the Here and Now, the ability to observe unbiased – even in difficult and conflictory situations. That’s systemic thinking and acting, the basic principle of digital facilitation. It’s how you spark a dialogue with your team based on appreciation and how you create a framework of trust. That’s the key to change.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a sparring partner to round up your team and set sail toward desirable change.

agile Teamentwicklung Nadja Obenaus

Solving puzzles & untying knots together

Systemic IT consulting and Agile Coaching for Teams

To undo the famous Gordian Knot, we need to tackle challenging issues by combining effective and unconventional approaches in new ways.

Take the combined wisdom of tech experts, IT consultants and systemic coaches, for example. With me, you’ll get the whole package.

I’m fluent in expert tech, feel right at home in the virtual space and bring to the table a systemic view on cultural change and digital transformation. Another essential trait of mine:

I solve the puzzles and knots with brains and intuition, love and laughter.

My offer for teams

Coaching agiles Team

Agile Team Coaching

Use Microsoft Teams to collaborate digitally

Introduction to agile team working methods – Microsoft Teams, Jira etc.

Is this for you?

You’d like to create an agile hero journey for your team? Together we create the necessary structures and build a roadmap for your agile journey.

What you can expect

  • Addressing conflicts and reservations
  • Creating structures for agile teamwork
  • Building a roadmap
  • Coaching session on agile teamwork
  • 3-hour online workshop
  • On a collaboration platform of your choice
  • “Ready for take-off” agile teamwork

Highly efficient teams get agile coaches on board!

  • Agile Team
    € 3400,00
    per session

Find an appointment now!

Take the first step for your team.

I’m the missing piece in your team’s jigsaw puzzle

I bring a systematic view of digital transformation and my experience as a scrum master to your table to facilitate co-creative and agile team evolution.

Suitable for teams looking to come together for highly efficient collaboration.

How do I lead your team to homerun territory?

  • Reflect on their individual role in the team
  • Make complexity manageable
  • Increase the scope of action
  • Resolve conflicts and trust issues
  • Test agile approaches
  • Facilitate in-team collaboration & co-creativity
  • Foster digital co-operation
  • Boost participation
  • Develop an error friendly learning culture
  • Get better together

“Recently, thanks to her trust in me, I was able to take over part of the online moderation of a panel in which all the executives in my company took part. But that’s not all: She managed to build my confidence in myself to do the presentation. What’s more, Nadja is a ray of sunshine, and her sessions are always an absolute pleasure. You cannot but come out of a session feeling inspired and energised. Thank you so much, Nadja, for this possibility!”

Mindset Block?

Are you facing a pressing issue and would like to discuss it with me personally?

Please make use of my free d-Coaching call, held online every Wednesday.

Let us embrace personal change together so that you can calmly and healthily address both your team and digital transformation. #bettertogether

Typical questions regarding team development

How quickly can we get started?

I’ll join you for your team meeting (Stand-up, Review), and you fill me in on your status quo and the challenges your team faces concerning digital cooperation. I provide feedback and, based on our outcome, we create a team workshop.

Do you suffer from too little participation in digital cooperation?

Digital facilitation is an art. The most important thing is to act de-escalating and shift the conversation from OR and BUT to AND. I support team leads with supervision sessions and help them address filters and prejudices so they can lead their team toward excellent communication.

What if agility is still in its infancy?

This is your boarding call: As an innovative team, you just cannot get past agile ways of working. However, an effective digital collaboration calls for an experienced coach to support you along your way. Please do not hesitate to get external help.

My team is experiencing conflicts. As a team lead/scrum master, I don’t know how to resolve them digitally?

Sometimes it takes an outside mediator to decipher the trickiest issues. I’ll help you set up guidelines to resolve the next conflict on your own. The best and quickest way to a resolution is for me to join you in one of your upcoming retrospectives for a collaborative approach.

How can new colleagues be onboarded and included in the team if they haven’t met in person?

Face-to-face contact is terrific, but it’s not always possible in times like these. I have a track record of (digitally) onboarding new team members. Let me show you how efficient virtual team development can work for new team members.

Are you facing trust issues that have manifested in your digital (work) space?

The key to highly effective teamwork is trust. Where there’s trust, there’s little need for control. It’s somewhat like learning to ride a bike: the moment your guide lets go is pivotal in promoting self-confidence and trust between the cycling rookie and their guide. A remarkable parallel to the work situation, where self-organisation needs trust so you can let go of micromanagement. Find out more here

We’d like to introduce Microsoft Teams, but we’re facing problems with the actual implementation. How can we get started?

MS Teams is a great software for digital teamwork. However, there are several entry-level obstacles, and it’s my job to help you overcome them.

Typical questions regarding team development

Ich komme zu euch ins Teammeeting (Stand-Up, Review), ihr sagt, welche Schwierigkeiten euer Team in der digitalen Kollaboration hat, wo ihr steht und ich gebe euch Feedback. Darauf aufbauend könnten wir einen Team-Workshop zusammen gestalten.

Digitale Facilitation ist eine Kunst. Das Wichtigste ist deeskalierend entgegen zu wirken und mehr UND statt ODER und ABER zu verwenden. Ich unterstütze Teamleads durch eine Supervision und zeige Ihnen, wie sie durch Bewusstmachen der eigenen Filter und Vorurteile, damit ihr im Team zukünftig gut ins Gespräch kommt.

Spätestens jetzt kommt kein innovatives Team mehr an agilen Arbeitsweisen vorbei. Um gut digital kollaborieren zu können, braucht es einen erfahrenen Coach, der euch dabei begleitet.

Manchmal braucht es eine Person von außen, die auch die kniffligsten Themen auf den Tisch bringt. Ich zeige euch, wie ihr es im nächsten Konflikt alleine lösen könnt. Am schnellsten bekommen wir das hin, wenn ich zu einer eurer nächsten Retrospektive komme und wir es gemeinsam virtuell ausprobieren.

Der persönliche Kontakt ist schön, aber lässt sich in diesen Zeiten nicht immer möglich machen. Ich habe bereits viele neue Mitarbeitende an (das digitale) Bord geholt und kann dir deshalb zeigen, wie hochwirksame Teamentwicklung mit neuen Teammitgliedern auch virtuell möglich ist.

Der Schlüssel für hochwirksame Teamarbeit ist Vertrauen, denn wo Vertrauen herrscht, ist kaum Kontrolle nötig. Das ist wie beim Fahrradfahren: Der Moment des Loslassens durch die Begleitperson ist ein Schlüsselmoment und zeigt, dass sowohl das Selbstvertrauen, als auch das Vertrauen zwischen Begleitperson und Fahrrad-Rookie vorhanden ist. Das lässt sich gut auf die Arbeitssituation übertragen. Denn Vertrauen durch Loslassen ist die Basis für selbstorganisiertes Arbeiten. Mehr dazu hier:

MS Teams ist eine tolle digitale Kollaborationssoftware für Teams, mit der ich gerne arbeite. Allerdings gibt es für den Einstieg viele Hürden, die wir gemeinsam überwinden können. Gewusst wie.

I untangle knots, build bridges and guide your team to results.