
That’s Hamburgian for “Hello.” I’m Nadja - your d-Coach!

I believe that the way to master digital transformation is healthy growth.

“Grass does not grow faster if you pull it” – African proverb

Healthy Growth – What does that even look like?

There’s no doubt about it: The pandemic has sped up digital transformation within most companies. However, ongoing innovation and success need more agile and scalable IT environments paired with a corporate learning culture that fosters healthy growth.

“Almost half of the companies interviewed fear that their teams are at risk of burn-out from trying to adapt their IT strategy in these unusual times.” ((Digital Transformation Index, Dell 2020))

Systemic IT consulting & d-Coaching for your digital transformation

Your path to healthy (business) growth.

d-Coaching: outsmart growing pains

This is my offer for learning organisations, teams, leaders and those aiming at healthy growth and digital collaboration par excellence.

Promote a transforming company culture

Encourage digital team cooperation

Support team leaders’ personal development

What’s so different about my d-Coaching?

As a d-Coach, I champion a company culture that facilitates digital cooperation alongside personal wellbeing, staff self-improvement and developing digital structures.

  • De-Scaling

    I (help you) outwit and outsmart complex processes, build bridges and break down barriers through digital facilitation. As a certified LeSS User, I follow my maxim, “Less is more”.

  • De-Biasing

    With the help of systematic de-biasing, e.g. in the form of regular retrospectives, I counteract old thought patterns of individual leaders.

  • De-Escalating

    I believe crises and conflicts hold great potential to promote co-creativity and empathy. One of my favourite iterative methods for solving complex problems and developing new ideas is Design Thinking. We can learn hand in hand how to move on and grow.

Working with Nadja Obenaus is refreshing, enriching and enlightening. She’s an absolute asset for every team and for all those wishing to evolve.

Your d-Coaching Call

Fathoming Personal Growth Opportunities

It’s my heart’s wish to support teams and leaders alike toward feeling, thinking and operating resource-oriented. My low-threshold programmes and simple designs facilitate highly effective collaborations. That’s what healthy growth means to me.

Start here and book your free d-Coaching Call with me. Together, we’ll analyse your current situation and identify your growth journey.

My 4 golden principles

  1. Empathy first! Be human at all times.
  2. Better together! Promote collaboration and co-creativity
  3. Feel the connection! All-embracing thoughts and emotions
  4. Learning by Leading! Be a role model and never stop learning.

My network, my d-Team


I love bringing people and all their complex personalities together to create something new and unique.

I deeply care about spreading the word on people that inspire, support and accompany me in my daily work. For this very reason, I founded the d-Team.

My events

Watch me in action.

Learning is what I live for, and bringing people together is my mission. More than that, I want to share the benefits with like-minded lifelong learners. This is where I frequently publish event information and invites.

Once a month, I get together with my Learning by Leading” Meet-Up Group. Every Wednesday afternoon, I’m available during my consultation hour. If you’re looking to book me for a company event, you can find out more about my keynotes and workshop moderation offer here.

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Do you want to get going and start growing with me?

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